המרכז הירושלמי לעל קול
וארבע מימד 
בהנהלת ד"ר עפר תדמור


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להצטרפות לרשימת התפוצה הכנס את כתובת הדואר האלקטרוני שלך:

Diapharagmatic Eventration: Associate Anomalies
·         Trisomies 13—15 and 18
·         Patent ductus arteriosus
·         Aortic stenosis
·         Ventricular septal defect
·         Hvpoplastic aorta
·         High level ectopia
·         Turner’s syndrome
·         Cleft palate and lip
·         Bowel volvulus
·         Hemivertebrae
·         Clubfoot
·         Hvpoplastic ribs.
NB- Absence of musculature in an area of the diaphragm allows abdominal viscera to bulge into the thorax. The presence of viscera within the thorax may be recognized on ultrasound, but diagnosis of eventration requires visualization of the diaphragm. The abdominal circumference usually remains normal, and the stomach bubble may retain its normal position.
Bilateral eventration has been reported with toxoplasma and cytomegalovirus infections.

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