המרכז הירושלמי לעל קול
וארבע מימד 
בהנהלת ד"ר עפר תדמור


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להצטרפות לרשימת התפוצה הכנס את כתובת הדואר האלקטרוני שלך:

Conditions Associated with an Adverse Outcome in a Structurally and Genetically Normal Infant
·         Postmaturity- Pregnancy is not usually allowed to progress beyond 42 weeks. Accurate dating in early pregnancy is essential.
At postmaturity ultrasound may show:
Skin wrinkling.
Growth retardation late in pregnancy may also be associated with
meconium aspiration.
·         Prematurity- Delivery prior to term, i.e. before 36—42 weeks.


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