Causes of Increased Risks of Twin Pregnancy
The intrauterine fetal death rate is six times higher than in singleton pregnancy. While only a small proportion of all pregnancies are multiple, they account for 12% of neonatal deaths.
· High incidence of premature labour complicated l immature lungs and cerebral hemorrhage.
· Low birthweight — IUGR and placental anomalies unique to multiple gestation. IUGR occurs in 25— 30% of twins.
· Increased incidence of polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios (7% of twins).
· Increased incidence of congenital anomalies (7%).
· Fetal interlocking malpresentation.
· Increased incidence of umbilical cord insertion anomalies.
· Increased maternal complications, particularly
Antepartum hemorrhage
Pregnancy induced hypertension
Iron deficiency anemia
Sonographic surveillance of these high risk pregnancy; should be routine because early diagnosis of complications leads to better management and reduction of fetal mortality.